The Days when "living beings" may be replaced by robotics replacement are here, and no longer a TV movie reality.

Expected to be fully engaged by 2050. And in sex trade, year 2030.
SEE below. Real Life Terminators,

to a
Plum Island "Project Paperclip" Bio-disease warfare research, Diseases warfare with tick carriers.
Project Shad what military did to its own troops test bio and chemical warfare. Stilled mostly sealed records.
Tuscany experiments with syphilis infections on own Americans.
Human experimentation on Plum Island? Jan 2010 found 6' African American washed up on shore, said not entirely human. Had 5 holes drilled into his head. Sign of lab experiments.
Biohazard out break; 113 labatorys in USA refuse to disclose their operations to the public, aministy was granted by George W. Bush therefore likely biological experiments are being done. As no one allowed to review facilities.
All in regions with CDC facility near by:
Syphilis in Alabama,
yellow fever in Florida, 

lyme disease in Connecticut,
hanta virus in new Mexico, bubonic plague in 

flesh eating bacterias .
Now the PLUM ISLAND Lab, has been moved from the east coast island to the center of America. Manhattan, KS.
Right in the middle of Cattle and meat production country. Yeh....Right smack in the middle of tornado alley. A storm could unleash these nightmarish organisms.
Could the sloppy disposal we have seen in the past, put their biological shit into Americas food supply? YES, IT COULD!
Lab animals from colleges and research facilitys have been released into the pet store markets, and slaughter markets before.
Or else this may be the plan, anyway, at a strategic point and time. Stupid shit has happened before, in the hands of maniacs. Remember Nazi rule? Remember the USA hired the head of biological Nazi warfare program for operating Plum Island!
Demented thinking is contagious.
As there is a "power block of elite citizens in this country which control the world's economy and our government." They plan how to effect what ever they want, and trigger what is needed world wide to accomplish thetr yearly goal. Wars are funded 6 months in advance before a declaration is made public "I was party to a conversation between a mother and son (he worked for the treasurery department.) Nothing happens on the government level with out their seal of approval to fund a particular request. Ammo for war is purchased months in advance of need too.)"
The only thing which fortifys the human health against such things, is the way the elements and nature have always worked. Yahweh (God). Lots of necessary high quality nutrients, and loads of oxygen! Exactly the stuff most alternative medicines advocate!
s this why there is so much interest in disqualifying the validity of those practices? Practices which where employed in Germany before the WWII, vs. pills.